Friday 10 January 2014

2014 GOALS....Is Saving one of them?

The top 3 New Years resolutions or Goals, people make for themselves:
1-  LOSE WEIGHT (Get healthier)

I like new years resolutions and setting goals for yourself. Because it gives you an oportunity to Step up and Start Fresh. A fresh start is always so encouraging and freeing. You don't have to look back at the year before, when you 'didn't lose the weight' that you wanted or 'didn't save as much money' or even save any at all. A fresh start gives you the opportunity to not look at the past, but "Choose" to look ahead and define your own future.

"Do you have 2014 GOALS?.... And is Saving Money one of them?"
--> 3 tips to help you achieve this very smart and rewarding Goal:
1-  Y-O-U, Choose to save:   No one else will do it for you. So step up and take advantage of a fresh new year. Don't look back at the year(s) before, when you "could have" been saving or saved more, NO;  Choose to save now.
2- Set a Reasonable Goal:  Don't put $1,000 into your RRSP every month, when you know you can only afford $500. To make a reasonable goal, think about all your bill payments, mortgage/rent, groceries, and daily living costs, Etc....Then set a goal that you know is reasonable & affordable. And when there are certain months you can afford to put extra in, do so then. 
3- Set up a PAC:  When you start savings into your RRSP or TFSA, set up a PAC (Pre-authorized debit) from your bank account. This allows for consistency. Where every couple weeks or month go by & the same amount is taken from your account and put into savings;  This creates a routine. & that makes you get used to budgeting for one of your very important goals of the new year!

*If starting to save money in 2014 is one of your goals that you'd like to accomplish and you'd like an honest an very knowledgeable advisor to help you make the right investment choices for your future, Please feel free to contatct us.
.....And why not start now? It's the start of a fresh and Beautiful new year!! 


Yours Truly,    Sarah
Sarah C. Klassen
-Financial Security Advisor-
& Commissioner For Oaths For the province of Manitoba