Friday 11 January 2013

Two Smart Financial Moves to start the “Fresh New Year”……..

 I don’t know about you, but I’m always excited about the new year. I truly am, because I feel like it’s a “Fresh Start”.  A fresh start to live a better year, do some of the stuff you’ve been putting off, experiencing new things,  maybe fixing some relationships that need restoration,  or pursue some passions and dreams you’ve held onto, but haven’t followed them yet.
....I encourage you with this, 2013 is a “FRESH NEW YEAR”…. So take advantage and live it to its fullest!!

Two Smart Financial Moves to start the
“Fresh New Year”
(1.)  If you are buying a home, have a mortgage, or you know someone who is buying a home;   A Mortgage/Life Insurance Checkup is a very Smart Financial Move to seriously save you A LOT of money! I believe it’s very important to know what you have or don’t have. I think if you’re paying for something, you should really understand what it is, do you even need it, or is it enough, etc, etc.

(2.)  An RRSP means a *Tax-Refund, *Increased savings & *Retirement income. Do you need to contribute to a tax-saving RRSP before the March 1st deadline, or you have never contributed to a RRSP and would like to get started? Maybe you'd like more information on how beneficial they are -- but you are short of cash right now? …There are many different options we can help you with to start savings for your future!  And know that every little bit helps…..It’s all about making the smart decision to start savings for your future and why not start this 2013.  

*If you have a mortgage and would like to see if you have the right coverage, or you think you are paying too much, please make an appointment and we’d gladly take a look at your coverage and can help save you money and have you covered with the right kind of insurance, that you personally own and can afford.

*Or if you’d like to start savings into an RRSP, right now is a perfect time to start. Please let us help guide you into the right savings strategy for your lifestyle and budget. That’s my job as a financial advisor, to give you the best and honest advice, so you can make the educated decision to benefit your life!

I’m truly honoured to continue to help and serve my clients and am excited for this FRESH NEW 2013! =)

Please feel free to contact us & make an appointment for a Mortgage/Life Insurance check-up, so you have the right coverage or to start savings for your future!

-Yours Truly,    Sarah

Sarah C. Klassen
-Financial Security Advisor-
& Commissioner For Oaths For the province of Manitoba
SK REAL FINANCIAL, serves & aids people's needs with:
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Life Insurance→RRSP→RESP→TFSA→Investments→Mortgage Insurance→Disability & Critical Ilness Insurance→Accident & Sickness Insurance→Business Insurance→Group Benefits→Pension Transfers(LIRA LIF RRIF) →Personal will→Commissioner For Oaths(if you have any documents requiring the completion of a sworn affidavit *Sarah would be able to freely assist you)...& →To Help start Saving’s for your future Goals!


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