Wednesday 31 August 2011


…..Better Mortgage Insurance coverage @ lower rates!??

Are you paying too much for your mortgage insurance? Or do you even have any?

You may have taken out the insurance that your bank or credit union offered you when you applied for a mortgage. If you did, that was good thinking. What you owe on your home is probably the single biggest debt you’ll ever incur, so it makes sense to have it fully insured.

BUT, there’s always a “BUT” =)
…Like many other people, you may not have known that you can obtain better coverage at a LOWER rate by buying your OWN Individual Insurance Policy!!

*Generally speaking, the insurance offered by the bank is a “one size fit’s all” product. Individual insurance, on the other hand, is based on “your own medical condition”. If you’re in good health, why would you want to pay the same rates as someone who is un-healthy and smokes a pack a day?!? (That doesn’t seem fair or makes sense!?)

*Should you change banks when your mortgage renews, or sell your home and purchase a new one; You Lose your bank insurance coverage, & have to re-apply at your new lender. With an individual policy, you’re free to shop the market for the best rate at renewal. You can take your insurance coverage with you, without ever having to submit new medical information.

*The financial institution is named as beneficiary on insurance from the bank. You pay the premiums, but they’ll get the money, should something happen to you. An Individual policy owner, Allows “YOU” to name your own beneficiary. –Meaning your loved ones whom you’ve chosen as your beneficiaries, would receive the money to either pay off your outstanding mortgage or they don’t have to either, the beneficiary could use the insurance money to save for kid’s education, invest the proceeds instead, etc, etc.
‘YOU’ have a choice with your beneficiary with Individual Insurance….BUT with mortgage insurance @ your bank; ‘THEY’ are the beneficiary and receive the proceeds!

If you’re interested in getting a comparison quote or learning more about how an individual mortgage insurance policy could work for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d love to hear from you!

Sarah C. Klassen
financial security advisor

Friday 5 August 2011

My first Blog & my first week being self employed!! :)

First i want to start off by saying.....WELCOME TO SK REAL FINANCIAL BLOG!! :)

I'll introduce myself, My name is Sarah Klassen, (formerly Sarah Kendrick). I have been married to my wonderful best friend, Adam Klassen, this October 4th will be 2 years!!! :)
During the last several years i have completed all my studies, education, & training and have entered the financial services industry, as a Financial Security Advisor!
I am VERY excited to be starting down this new pathway, to help clients achieve their goals & provide wise and honest guidance!

*I'd like to share with you the reason i decided to enter this industry of work....
 I decided to do this because, i watched my dad (Stephen Kendrick) since i was a little girl, help many many friends and families over the years with "Where their situation in life was"(because everyone is in different financial boats). I seen my dad give such wise advice with 'Strong Integrity"!
Now that was the key for me!!!.... This is where i thought, many people in this specific industry do not provide, so i had a desire to enter this career with the same 'Integrity' my dad did!(with genuninely helping people with their financial needs!)

Thanks for visiting my blog, and there will be many more posts to come!

PS) Please feel to contact me @ anytime! Or you may pass along my info to any friends or family members, you know who may be in need of some of the services i offer!

Blessings! And Enjoy our Amazing Winnipeg Summer Weekend!

Sarah Klassen -financial security advisor
phone: 204.770.3006