Saturday 17 September 2011

Personalized Appointment with someone who Cares!!

What a lovely September weekend in Winnipeg, hey!?!?.....Anything is lovely in Winnipeg without our CRAZY below zero winter temperatures!!  =)

Just putting a new blog post out for our,

Personalized Appointment's

Have you ever felt like you walked into your bank or credit union and 'signed up for something, or put money into something, or bought something'?....But didn't really get a good explanation about it? And you left your financial instition, confused or just totally un-certain!??....
Well that's where SK REAL FINANCIAL can help!

*We have face to face, very personalized appointments with you, at a time and place that work's the best for yourself!

*We offer any help and guidance with smart and genuine financial advice! (Advice that is best for 'You' as an individual)

If you have any Questions or are Interested in any of the following that we specialize in:

-Life Insurance (for yourself, husband/wife, children, grandchildren, etc)
-Mortgage Insurance (for your house or condo)
-Business Insurance
-Savings & Investments for now & your future
-R.R.S.P  (registered retirement savings plan) 
-R.E.S.P  (registered education savings plan)
-T.F.S.A  (tax free savings account)
-Personal Will

Please feel free to contact us anytime! I would love to sit down and have a  'Personalized Appointment' with you, and answer any questions or concerns you have!  *It's very important to understand what you have already, or don't have, or just know if you "need certain things", and given good explanations about them!

I find some people don't understand or even know what an "R.R.S.P"  is, or what Life Insurance is!.....AND that is 100% a-okay!....You know why?....BECAUSE that is why there are people like myself, A Financial Secutiry Advisor that cares about helping others with honesty, in "Their own real life situations!" 
In life, we are all in different boats...some single, married, have children, getting close to retirement, etc. Why not talk to someone who trully cares about helping each individual client's financial situation!!

Hope to hear from you soon!


Sarah C. Klassen
financial security advisor


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