Tuesday 8 November 2011


*Let's Check our spending......
 You’ll be surprised how you can save money without making major lifestyle changes!


Not a morning person til’ I get my Caffeine fix… - If your morning trip to work involves a stop for that double-double, or that caramel macchiato, your caffeine fix is costing you about $650 a year (or more if you buy the larger size drinks).You may want to consider brewing your own. Maybe put an automatic coffee/espresso maker on your Christmas wish list!

Let’s just grab a Quick bite on the way… - If the majority of your lunch time conversations include “would you like to make that a combo?” consider packing your lunch and getting it ready the night before or in the morning before you leave for work. But make sure to give yourself enough time to get it prepared… Or else, guaranteed you’ll be buying that day! Grabbing lunch on the go four times a week could be costing you $1,670 a year or much more.

I just have to stop at a bank machine… - Stopping by another bank’s ATM machine may seem small at $1.50-$2.00 in extra fee’s, but paying just one additional ATM machine fee a week can add up to over $100 in needless service charges per year. You can make larger cash withdrawals at a time or when you deposit a cheque at the bank, ask for cash back at the same time while making the deposit and there is no fee at all.

Pick a card…Any Card… - If you have enough credit cards in your wallet to deal out a hand or two in poker, then it’s probably time to think about consolidating your debts. You know in the movies where people cut up the credit cards or put them in a block of ice in the freezer….Well don’t just watch it in the movies anymore…chop chop chop! Cancel all but one of your credit cards & make sure to pay off the balance each month. You may also want to think about a debt consolidation loan to lower your interest costs (rather then paying a credit card interest rate of 21%) and cut your payments even further.

Playing at a theatre near you… - If you take the family out for a night at the movies. After tickets, drinks and snacks, you’ll likely spend over $65. Do that once a month over the year and you’ll spend at least $780. Consider eating a meal before heading to the movie theatres so your not so hungry when you get there. Or better yet, have a “movie night in” once in a while. Rent a movie, stay at home, make your own pop-corn or nacho’s and guaranteed you’ll have the best seats in the house!

Water, water everywhere… - If you think buying gas for our cars is expensive, just be very thankful your car isn’t running on water! At vending machines you are paying over $2 a litre. If you buy just one bottle a day you are pouring $300 of your money down the drain each year. Why not buy a cool looking water bottle and fill up at your tap….And remember to bring your water bottle with you.

Want to have pipes or be ripped?!?!... So you want to be toned or ripped, or just stay healthy? So why not get a gym membership, right? Well you sure don’t want to be ‘ripped off!’ So when looking for a gym membership, consider shopping around. There are cheaper gym memberships then other’s. Also if you’re paying about $55 a month for a gym membership, that’s $660 a year…But what if you only used it for a few months. Why not change your new year’s resolution and only buy your gym membership at months at a time. And look for other less expensive ways/opportunities to get fit. Like working out at your home, or in the warm months of the year; go for walks or runs with a friend or family outside. That’s a great way to nicely slim down – both you and your expenses.

How did my cell phone bill become double this month?!?... – Have you ever found yourself opening up the envelope for your phone bill and it being double or more what you usually pay a month? Plans are different and you may be paying hundreds of dollars more than you should be in a year. First off why not find out with your phone company exactly what your plan covers (with calling, text messaging, voicemail, long distance, etc) Shop around for alternative options….Couples plans, family plans, etc. And if you cannot make unlimited phone calls until 6pm in the day, use your phone at work or if you’re at home, use your home phone. Sometimes people can leave voicemails and you can call them after 6pm too, that’s what it’s there for.

Would the world end if I couldn’t use my car?... – The answer is no! And there are some options to cut down on fees and be friendlier to our beautiful environment. Leave your car at home once a week & find an alternative way to work. Take transit, car-pool, bike or even walk if you are close enough. And while you are enjoying that new quiet time on the way, you can think about the $1,000 or more you would have been spending on gas, parking, and vehicle maintenance.

Try Cash instead of plastic… - Have you ever heard of people not owning a debit card or not even one credit card? Well I’m not suggesting that, because sometimes you may need a credit card to book something or pay for something online etc…Or you need your bank/debit card at times because you don’t want to be carrying all your money in your bank savings account in your wallet(that could be a huge load of cash on hand and isn’t safe). But the day you get paid, why not make a budget of what amount goes towards your bills, grocery’s, mortgage, savings, and set aside a realistic amount of cash you may need for a week or two until your next pay check….This will definitely help you think more wisely about what you will spend your money towards in that week. Like if you really “need” something or just “want” it. Because with cash in hand, you always know how much you’re giving away and how much you have.

*Hope some of this may have helped in some of your every day spending choices.
Please feel free to contact myself with any financial inquiries or help.
I'd love to hear from you!


Sarah C. Klassen
financial security advisor


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