Monday 5 December 2011


SAVINGS?.....Starting now, TRULY does make a difference!
...I say this because it is so true! We may think, "Oh I'm only 25 or in my Thirties, saving for retirement with an RRSP is for 'older' people...I still have tons of  vacation/trips I'd like to take, buy a couple new vehicles, etc etc".
This I understand! I too, L-O-V-E  to travel and live life to the fullest! But the real truth is, when you start saving earlier, it is amounts that you can afford Now, and are in your comfort zone. As to when you are getting closer to your retirement years, you are going to start catching up for lost time and money may be tighter. So starting to save sooner, will work for you Best in the long run. Because of compound growth, a small investment early in your working life, will be equal to a much bigger investment later in life to produce the same retirement income. 
*Look at this example I made*:   Amee invested $100 a month in her RRSP.   She started at age 25 & kept it up for 10 years.   Her total investment:  $12,000.   Her brother Adam waited until he was 35 to start investing $100 a month, and he kept it up for 30 years, so his total investment is $36,000 or three times as much as Amee.  They both invested in Guaranteed Segregated Funds that produced 8% annual compound growth rate.     By age 65, Amee's investments grew to $185,000. but Adam's are worth only $150,000.  That's the difference that Time makes:   Amee's investments have been invested for 10 years longer than Adam's. 
She invested 1/3 of what he invested & ended up with $35,000 more!!!
*When you start saving now, it won't cost you later on!*

So..........If you need an RRSP but don't have cash right now?!    No problem!!
Keep your bank line of credit for emergencies.   Our line of credit plan pays  your RRSP contribution and you have 120 days before starting repayment on the line of credit.  

You can start making contributions at any time to an RRSP, & if you don't have the money on hand, consider a RRSP Line of credit and you can contribute monthly or off of every pay check. This is what my husband & I do, and  it's great because, whatever amount you'd like to contribute to your RRSP, that amount is applied directly to it and you have 120 days before starting repayment on the line of credit.
You can get a REFUND of your over-paid TAX Money by contributing to an RRSP!

How our  RRSP Line of Credit Plan Works
Contribution   Monthly Payment   12 Months Interest    Tax Savings @ 40%      Total Payment
$ 1,000.          $    86.07              $   32.80                    $   400.                      $  1,032.80
$ 1,500.          $  129.10              $   49.20                    $    600.                     $  1,549.20
$ 2,000.          $  172.13              $   65.59                    $    800.                     $  2,065.59
$ 2,500.          $  215.17              $   81.99                    $ 1,000.                     $  2,581.99
$ 3,000.          $  258.20              $   98.39                    $ 1,200.                     $  3,098.39
$ 3,500.          $  301.23              $ 114.79                    $ 1,400.                     $  3,614.79
$ 4,000.          $  344.27              $ 131.19                    $ 1,600.                     $  4,131.19
$ 4,500.          $  387.30              $ 147.59                    $ 1,800.                     $  4,647.59
$ 5,000.          $  430.33              $ 163.99                    $ 2,000.                     $  5,163.99
$10,000.         $  860.66              $ 327.97                    $ 4,000.                     $10,327.96

Our RRSP Investments are insured, and they have a 100% Guarantee of your money at maturity!

>>Our busiest season is RRSP-Season, so contribute before March 1st 2012 to save on your 2011 taxes & contact us to set up a personalized appointment! We'd love to help you with great idea's & services for your long term savings.

*20 Days until Christmas!!!!*  That's another busy season for me!...Busy celebrating with family & Friends, Busy baking, Wrapping gifts, and BUSY EATING!!!!  :)  
Hope you can take time to really Enjoy the Christmas celebration's! God bless you tons this Christmas!

Peace & Lot's of Love


Sarah C. Klassen
financial security advisor


At 5 December 2011 at 19:10 , Blogger Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Great info, Sarah! thanks for the headsup!


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