Monday 9 January 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! You can start your 2012 with a TAX REFUND!!

*You can start your 2012 with a TAX REFUND!!*

Everyone will be filing their taxes in the next month coming up! It’s just around the corner, so don’t wait to get your RRSP contribution in!

February 29, 2012 is the last day for an RRSP contribution to qualify for a Refund of the Income Tax you over-paid in 2011.

Don’t take a chance & wait to the last minute for an RRSP.  Procrastinate, and you may miss that Feb.29th deadline and lose your Refund.  

SK REAL FINANCIAL is here to help you, Please call or email in this busy season, so we can meet with you for your tax-saving RRSP appointment.

*Christmas time & New years celebrations were a couple weeks ago and you may not have a lump-sum of cash available to contribute towards your RRSP, But that’s No Problem at all!...You may use our prime rate RRSP line of credit plan! (And make payments monthly...very simple, you don't even have to touch your bank line of credit, use that for future personal emergencies.)

*Another thing…. Do you already have money saved in RRSP’S and you are -Losing Money!?...If you have RRSP savings in ‘Mutual Funds’ your investments have lost considerable value and your money is ‘Not Guaranteed.’   Why gamble in Mutual Funds, when you can invest safely in an ECOFLEX fully insured and 100% Capital Maturity Guaranteed RRSP.  Ask me how you can transfer to ECOFLEX! 

Please contact Sarah from SK REAL FINANCIAL, to book a personal appointment, so you are able to Contribute towards your RRSP and get a Nice ol’ Tax refund back!

Hope you are getting back into the flow & some routine of life after the holidays!....I officially am, and have hit the gym a bunch of times to try and burn off ALL the turkey & baking I’ve over-eaten during the holidays! J

HAPPY NEW YEAR & Hope to hear from you soon!

-February 29, 2012 is the last day for an RRSP contribution to qualify for a Refund of the Income Tax you over-paid in 2011.

Sarah C. Klassen
financial security advisor

SK REAL FINANCIAL, serves & aids every person’s individual needs with:
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Life Insurance→RRSP→RESP→TFSA→Savings→Investments→Mortgage Insurance→Disability & Critical Ilness Insurance→Accident & Sickness Insurance→Business Insurance→Group Benefits→Personal will→Saving’s for your future!


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