Saturday 4 February 2012

2 GOOD THINGS! - 1) Start Saving Today! AND 2) Get a nice ol' Tax refund back!!!

Many people think, "well, i'll just start saving for my future when i'm older!....It's for old people, right?!"......But the truth is, when you start saving NOW and don't procrastinate and wait, it makes a HUGE difference later "when you are so-called older".
*Here's a quick example why: If you start saving little by little now, when you're older, you will probably want to play catch up because you'll realize that you need a lot more for your retirement. When you start Today, you don't have to play 'as much' catch up. Plus, savings makes you feel good! Your proud of yourself for saving. Many of my clients tell me, they are proud that they started savings in an RRSP......And it makes me feel good, that i got to help them start savings for their future!
You may think saving money is hard, And thats why Sarah @ SK REAL Financial is here to help you!
Feel free to contact Sarah, and she will help guide you, to make smart decisions for your personal lifestyle, -to start savings for your future! 
#1)  Savings can be easy, as long as you save within "YOUR" personal lifestyle and what you can afford (...Not what your friends or brother/sister is saving....It's what "YOU" are able to save personally.....Everyone is in different financial positions)
#2) By putting savings into your RRSP, you can save on income tax! And a Great Bonus is, you will get a nice ol' Tax Refund back!!!
#3) You can start contributing to your RRSP By: -A lump sum of money, -Make bi-weekly or monthly PAC contributions from your bank account, or even if you are short of a lump sum of cash, you can use our RRSP loan; where you pay it off in 12 months and get your tax receipt mailed to you asap and use it to file for your 2011 taxes.
#4) VERY IMPORTANT INFO - If you would like to save on paying taxes for 2011 and want to get your tax refund for last year, then you must contribute towards your RRSP before:

Contact Sarah before February 29th to set up a Personalized Tax-savings RRSP appointment!
**I am happy doing the work i do, and love getting to meet new clientele that i help in their specific personal financial needs! Please feel free to contact me via phone or email, & we will set up a time to help you start your savings!

Sarah Klassen
Financial Security Advisor 
SK REAL FINANCIAL, serves & aids every person’s individual needs with:
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Life Insurance→RRSP→RESP→TFSA→Savings→Investments→Mortgage Insurance→Disability & Critical Ilness Insurance→Accident & Sickness Insurance→Business Insurance→Group Benefits→Personal will→Commissioner For Oaths(if you have any documents requiring the completion of a sworn affidavit *Sarah would be able to freely assist you)...& →To Help start Saving’s for your future!!


February 29th,  is the last day for an RRSP contribution to qualify for a Refund of the Income Tax you over-paid in 2011!


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