Saturday 10 March 2012

Do I Really N-E-E-D Life Insurance??

Do I Really "NEED"......

Alot of us have "heard about or seen commercials on t.v about Life Insurance". But do we really know exactly what it is or if we personally NEED it in our lives!?
*A quick answer would be.....Life Insurance is pretty much a "Love letter" you are leaving for the ones you care about when you die. And do i NEED IT?....*Quick answer: If you have liabilities like a Mortgage, loans or debt, and a Family....You definitely want to leave them with protection when you die.
It's not a fun topic to talk about, 'DEATH', because let's say, you just bought a brand new home with your loved one, or you just started a precious little family & life is just....Beautiful, right?!.....Because it is!...I still remember buying my first home with my husband Adam, 2 years ago! It was sooo exciting for us!! And during these beautiful moments in life, you don't really want to think about death...If you or your loved one dies......But the thing is, it's Very important.
-For Example, lets say you and your loved one bought a new home for $250,000 and now you have a large mortgage...Do you have $250,000 cash sitting around to pay off that mortgage if one of you died?

-Another Example, If you are parents to a beautiful new born baby or have precious kid-lets running around already; if something happened to one of you as parents, would 1 of you be able to survive with raising your child; with little things such as daycare, diapers etc, or bigger things like when they are older, providing them with an education.....And the list goes on with children!! Would you have all this liquid money on hand to support your children? And among other things, pay your daily bills and get by with day-to-day living with only 1 income now?

Every ones lives are different and people need different amounts of insurance coverage depending on your personal lifestyle. I believe that getting Life Insurance when you "NEED" it, is very important. Key word here, "NEED". If you have liabilities, Example- A Mortgage & Most certainly a Family & a precious child or children. This said because, if you were to die, wouldn't you want to leave your loved ones protected and provided for?!...I Definitely would!
My dad was a financial advisor my entire life, he helped alot of families with life insurance that needed it. I Never bought any for my own life until my husband & i bought our home 2 years ago. And we knew that we 'NEEDED' it. Again, Key word here...."NEED". Could we cover our mortgage in case one of us died? Well neither of us had $200,000 sitting around in our savings account @ the moment! ;) ....So we knew we 'NEEDED' Insurance. So we met with my dad, who is a licenced Financial Advisor (Some one we knew & trusted) who explained the "need for us to have insurance" and how much we "needed in our own lives". So that is when i personally bought life insurance.....When I "Needed" it!

*IMPORTANT FACTS* You may get your mortgage at your bank or credit union, and they offer you "mortgage Insurance". A couple quick facts to know about the mortgage insurance you may have right now or were wondering if you need it:
*The Mortgage Insurance from your bank is Not even owned by you. It is owned by the bank, so that means, you would not even get the pay out on death; the bank is the beneficiary. *It's much more expensive compared to life insurance and with life insurance you can get more coverage "& you actually own the policy!". *When you leave your bank, your insurance cancels. *Also if you are a healthy person who takes care of themselves and doesn't smoke, at the bank they do not take that into consideration. So you pay the exact  High amount for premiums, as a unhealthy chain smoker would!
These are just a couple examples. But if you are interested in meeting and discussing Insurance because you may think you need it, or you already have mortgage or life insurance and you don't know if it's enough, the right kind, or are wondering if your paying too much (because many people are). Then please dont' hesitate to contact for a cost-free Financial check-up appointment!

I truly Care about helping my clients with professional & Honest financial guidance! So feel free to contact me and it would be my privilege to help you or your family out!

*KEEP YOUR HEADS UP FOLKS!....SPRING WILL BE IN WINTER-PEG SHORTLY!!! ......well cross your fingers @ least!   =)

-Sincerely, Sarah


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